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A hygrometer in which the sensitive element is a strand or strands of human hair, the length of which is a function of the relative humidity of the air.


The audio-frequency signal transmitted by the Diamond-Hinman radiosonde when the baroswitch pen passes each fifteenth contact of the commutator, up to a number determined by the design of the commutator, and each fifth contact thereafter. This signal is t ...


The center of an area of high pressure, usually accompanied by anticyclonic and outward wind flow. Also known as an anticyclone.


The study of waters (including oceans, lakes, and rivers) embracing either: (a) their physical characteristics, from the standpoint of the oceanographer or limnologist; or (b) the elements affecting safe navigation, from the point of view of the mariner. ...


An instrument, dropped from high attitude and carried by a stable parachute. used to measure the vertical component of turbulence aloft.


Operation mode of a communication circuit in which each end can transmit and receive, but not simultaneously.


The water portion of the earth as distinguished from the solid part, called the lithosphere, and from the gaseous outer envelope, called the atmosphere.


A clock-driven instrument mounting which automatically and continuously points in the direction of the sun. It is used with a pyrheliometera,hen continuous direct solar radiation measurements are required.


Generally, the relative states of inflow, outflow, and storage of moisture over a given area of earth's surface.


The succession of stages through which water passes on the ground and in the atmosphere: evaporation from land or bodies of water, condensation to form clouds, precipitation, accumulation in the soil or in bodies of water, and re-evaporation.


A systematic summary of the terms (inflow, outflow, and storage) of the storage equation as applied to the computation of soil-moisture changes, ground-water changes, etc. An evaluation of the hydrologic balance of an area. Also called basin accounting, w ...


An instrument resulting from the combination of a thermograph and a hygrograph and furnishing, on the same chart, simultaneous time recording of ambient temperature and humidity.


check chamber-A chamber use to check the sensing elements of radiosonde equipment.


Same as water year.


A wind blowing in a direction opposite to the heading of a moving object, thus opposing the object's intended progress; the opposite of a tailwind.


A numbering system using a base number of 16 and including the ten decimal digits (0 to 9) along with six alpha digits (A to F). Thus. a digit is available to represent each of the possible values of a 4-bit binary digit.


Of or pertaining to rain.


A form of psychrometer with wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometers mounted on opposite sides of a specialty designed graph of the psychrometric tables. It is so arranged that the intersections of two curves determined by the wet-bulb and dry-bulb readings -yi ...


A sudden brief increase in the speed of the wind, followed by a lull or slackening. Compare to peak gust.


Apparatus using the combined simultaneous action of a bimetallic thermometer and a hair hygrometer to move a needle in front of a divided scale. fts construction permits dew point variations to be indicated approximately.


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