The turning of the blade of an oar from the vertical to the horizontal while it is being taken aback for the next stroke. This reduces the windage on the blade thus reducing the effort expended.

A propeller that can have the pitch of its blade changed to reduce drag when not in use.

In the US, a debt instrument with a high level of safety issued by a federal.

(FDIC) In the US, the federal agency that acts as guarantor for funds deposited in member.

A program of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) that implements energy legislation and presidential directives. FEMP provides project financing, technical guidance and assistance, coordination and reporting, and new initiatives for the federal government ...

This is an independent regulatory agency within the U.S. DOE that has jurisdiction over interstate electricity sales, wholesale electric rates, natural gas pricing, oil pipeline rates, and gas pipeline certification. It also licenses and inspects private, ...

In the US, a federal tax levied on gifted property, money or securities. The tax is payable by the.

(FICA)In the US, the federal law which directs employers to withhold a proportion of employees' salaries.

(FNMA)In the US, a government-backed corporation which purchases mortgages from lenders and resells them.

These are separate and distinct organizational agencies within the U.S. DOE that market power at federal multipurpose water projects at lowest possible rates to consumers consistent with sound business principles. There are five PMA's: Alaska Power Admini ...

In the US, a board of Directors comprised of seven members which directs the federal banking system,.

The American central banking system which comprises 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks, their.

(FIBV)The International Federation of Stock Exchanges - a Paris-based organisation that encourages.

In the US, a computerised high speed communication system linking the banks within the Federal.

An independent financial adviser whose income is derived from fees charged to customers rather than.

Cargo to/from regional ports are transferred to/from a central hub port for a long-haul ocean voyage.

A short-sea vessel which transfers cargo between a central "hub" port and smaller "spoke" ports.