The number of cycles of stress that can be sustained prior to failure under a stated test condition.

The maximum stress that presumably leads to fatigue fracture in a specified number of stress cycles. If the stress is not completely reversed. the value of the mean stress. the minimum stress, or the stress ratio should also be stated. Compare with endura ...

The maximum stress that can be sustained for a specified number of cycles without failure, the stress being completely reversed within each cycle unless otherwise staled.

Free of Capture and SeizureInsurance term. Used until 1982 in all marine insurance contracts to refer to the war exclusion clause. Discontinued in the UK cargo insurance market in 1982 and in the hull insurance market in 1983 (BIMCO).

Free Carrier. A modern equivalent of FAS used in intermodal transport where goods are transferred at a nominated forwarders premises, depot or terminal but not actually on board vessel. Free Carrier Free Carrier means that the seller delivers the good ...

In a wind energy conversion system, to pitch the turbine blades so as to reduce their lift capacity as a method of shutting down the turbine during high wind speeds.

Foaming water that rises upward immediately before stem of any craft being propelled through water.

Sailing upwind so close to the wind that the forward edge of the sail is stalling or luffing, reducing the power generated by the sail and the angle of heel. Also known as pinching.