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A fracture, usually of' polycrystalline metal, in which most of the grains have failed by cleavage, resulting in bright reflecting facets. It is associated with low-energy brittle fracture.

A list of metals and alloys arranged according to their relative corrosion potentials in a given environment. Compare with electromotive series.

A coating process, similar to gas carburizing and carbonitriding, whereby a reactant atmosphere gas is fed into a processing chamber where it decomposes at the surface of the workpiece, liberating one material for either absorption by, or accumulation on ...

The electromotive force generated in a circuit containing two dissimilar metals when one junction is at a temperature different from that of the other. see also thermocouple.

The maximum repeated stress that can he endured by a metal without failure under definite conditions of corrosion and fatigue and for a specific number of stress cycles and a specified period of time.

(1) A metal whose potential is highly positive relative to the hydrogen electrode. (2) A metal with marked resistance to chemical reaction, particularly to oxidation and to evolution by inorganic acids. The term as often used is synonymous with precious m ...

Modification of a corrosion system so that corrosion damage is mitigated.

Pertaining to the current resulting from the coupling of dissimilar electrodes in an electrolyte

See auxiliary electrode.

An obsolete historical term usually applied to stress-corrosion crackling of brass.

Surface discoloration of a metal caused by formation of a thin film of corrosion product.

Tendency of an environment to cause corrosion in a given corrosion system.

An electrode immersed in a suitable electrolyte, designed for measurements of electrode potential; A pure metal in contact with a solution of known concentration of its own ion, at a specific temperature develops a potential which is characteristic and re ...

Interfacial reaction equivalent to a transfer of charge between electronic and ionic conductors. See also anodic reaction and cathodic reaction.

The potential of an electrode in an electrolyte as measured against a reference electrode. The electrode potential does not include any resistance losses in potential in either the solution or external circuit. It represents the reversible work to move a ...

Localized corrosion frequently observed in oilwell tubing in which a circumfrential attack is observed near a region of metal "upset".

In a thermodynamic system of several constituents, the rate of change of the Gibbs function of the system with respect to the change in the number of moles of a particular constituent.

A graph or chart that shows constant corrosion behavior with changing solution (environment) composition and temperature.

A potential more cathodic (positive) than the standard hydrogen potential.

Being or composed of hydrocarbons or their derivatives, or matter of plant or animal origin. Contrast with inorganic.