Meteorology: Random Listings RSS

A counterclockwise change in wind direction. Backing winds with height are indicative of cold air advection (CAA).


United Kingdom forecast model. (Available via Professional.)


Instrument for measuring the depth of water from precipitation that is assumed to be distributed over a horizontal, impervious surface and not subject to evaporation.


A measure of the intrinsic luminous intensity emitted by a source in a given direction. Luminance is a measure only of light. The comparable term for electromagnetic radiation in general is radiance.


A line of equal or constant temperature.


A device which automatically records the water equivalent of snow on a given surface as a function of time. A small sample of a radioactive salt is placed in the ground in a shielded collimator which directs a beam of radioactive particles upwards. A Geig ...


As used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the departure (in


A wind vane used to obtain the horizontal and vertical components of the wind.


A rotation anemometer in which the axis of rotation is horizontal. The instrument has either flat vanes (as in the air meter) or helicoidal vanes (as in the propeller anemometer). The relation between wind speed and angular rotation is almost linear.


A set of regulations set down by the U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board to govern the operational control of aircraft on instrument flight. The abbreviation of this term is seldom used to denote the rules themselves, but is in popular use to describe the weathe ...


A flower-like diagram indicating the relative frequencies of different wind directions for a given station and period of time.


A type of atmometer. It is a pan used in the measurement of the evaporation of water into the atmosphere. The NWS Class A pan is a cylindrical container 48 inches in diameter and 10 inches deep.


Same as river gauge.


Anemometer which measures wind speed by measuring the degree of cooling of a metal film heated by an electric current. A type of cooling-power anemometer.


A protocol similar to RS232 which makes use of differential transmission to provide high speed data transmission over significantly longer distances.


Name sometimes used in place of pyranometer as a generic term.


An instrument which measures combined direct solar radiation and diffuse sky radiation. See pyrheliometer, Robitzsch actinograph. solarimeter. See also albedometer.


A vector term which includes both wind speed and wind direction.


Temperature to which absolutely dry air would have to be brought in order for it to have the same density as moist air, considered at the same pressure.


A power supply which achieves its output regulation by means of one or more active power handling devices which are alternately placed in the "off" or "on" states. It is more efficient than linear supplies which vary the conduction of power devices to ach ...
