Meteorology: Random Listings RSS

An instrument for measuring the difference between incoming and outgoing terrestrial radiation.


A general term for instruments designed to measure the amount of cloudiness.


A type of rain gauge shield consisting of freely hanging, evenly spaced slats arranged circularly around the gauge. The advantage of this shield is that the slats do not easily accumulate snow, permitting its use on unattended gauges. See rain gauge shiel ...


Name sometimes used in place of pyranometer as a generic term.


Precipitation of white, opaque, spherical or conical ice particles that are crisp and easily crushed and that have diameters of 2 to 5 mm.


A polariscope consisting of a specially constructed double plate polarizer and a tourmaline plate analyzer. Polarized light passing through the instrument is indicated by the presence of parallel colored fringes, while unpolarized light results in a unifo ...


See calorie.


Precipitation composed of white or translucent ice crystals, chiefly in complex branched hexagonal forms.


A numbering system using a base number of 16 and including the ten decimal digits (0 to 9) along with six alpha digits (A to F). Thus. a digit is available to represent each of the possible values of a 4-bit binary digit.


A subtle, diumal component of the wind velocity leading to a diumal shift of the wind or turning of the wind with the sun, produced bv the east-to-west progression of daytime surface heating.


A temperature telemeter.


See hurricane beacon.


The effect upon the measurement of rainfall caused by the presence of the rain gauge.


A general term to designate apparatus designed to observe the details of weather during thunderstorms.


A refraction phenomenon similar to a parahelion, but occurring generally at a distance of 120


The temperature at which a solid substance undergoes fusion, i.e. melts, changes from solid to liquid form. All substances have their characteristic melting points. For very pure substances the temperature range over which the process of fusion occurs is ...


A device which converts energy from one form into another, i.e. an ac generator transducer which converts the mechanical motion of anemometer cups into an electrical signal.


Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. A standard code used to represent data using 8 bits per character.


See sea-water thermometer, reversing thermometer.


A instrument designed to study small fluctuations of some quantity. The microbarograph is an example of a recording pressure variometer.
